Talks and presentations

Dr. Marc Deletre (Natural History Museum, Paris): Marriage exchanges, seed exchanges and the dynamics of manioc (cassava) diversity in Gabon.

Chrys Gardiner (Irish Seed Savers Association): The Irish Seed Savers Association's contribution to the conservation of plant genetic resources in Ireland.

Dr. Gerry Doherty (Dept of Agriculture, Food & the Marine): Role of the Dept of Agriculture, Food and the Marine in conserving Ireland's genetic resources for food and agriculture.

Micheal Mac Giolla Coda (Galtee Bee Breeders Society): Conservation, Study and Improvement of the Dark European Honeybee.

Mary McGrath (Kerry Bog Pony Society): History, significance and conservation status of the Kerry Bog Pony.

Dr. Una Fitzpatrick (National Biodiversity Data Centre): National Biodiversity Data Centre - Supporting genetic resources conservation in Ireland.

Dr. Chikelu Mba (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, Rome): What have we learned from the 2nd State of the World's Plant Genetic Resources? 

Dr. Lorenzo Maggioni (Bioversity International, Rome): The European Cooperative System for Plant Genetic Resources.

Dr. John Fennessy (Forest Sector Development Division DAFM/COFORD): Conservation and sustainable use of forestry genetic resources in Ireland

Pat Fitzgerald (Fitzgerald Nurseries, Ireland): Conservation of plant genetic resources, including ornamentals, in Ireland: A commercial horticultural perspective.

Dr. Dawn Howard (TEAGASC Athenry): Conservation and Genetic Diversity of the Galway Sheep Breed.

Conor Gretsch (COHAB):The COHAB Initiative for Co-operation on Health and Biodiversity.

Dr. Gerry Douglas (Teagasc): Conservation and genetic improvement of hardwood trees

Dr Judit Kelemen (Dept of Arts, Heritage & Gaeltacht): Conservation of threatened plant species in agriculture through the Linnet Project (Land Invested in Nature - National Eco-Tillage).

Dr. Joanne Denyer (Botany and Plant Science, NUI Galway): Bryophyte conservation in Ireland - Relevance to agriculture, forestry, food production and sustainability